This page last changed on Dec 07, 2004 by scytacki.
- setup and populate sensor database
- teachers will be entering data about their equipment on july 21 so if this database can be used to help them specify their equipment
Version 1: complete
- the initial database is setup,
- vernier probes have been entered
Version 2: in development
Add Combination tables
There are no tables yet to encode the combinations that TEEMSS will support and the combinations that the schools have. These combination include:
added teemss supported flag to software and sensor interfaces
add table linking probe types to teemss probe requirements so we can see what we've got and what we are missing.
- postponed add teemss supported flag to relation between interface and platform
make filtered reports showing teemss supported configurations.
- modified master summary report
- report showing available sensors for each suppoted sensor interface and missing sensors
look at school forms.
add handheld flag for platforms
separate type and brand of handheld
- type: palm, pocketpc
- brand:palm, compaq,hp, palm, sony
- model: IIIc, Tungsent, iPaq X
add link for model information.
Integrate this with the forms the vendors and schools are filling out so they aren't just typing in random info.
- paul b is working on this change the forms so they pull data from this database, this means more many-many tables so there might be a need for the mystri many-many addition I suggested to paul. where there are pull downboxes that let the user select a record, and then after that a new pull down is added that lets them select another record.
- postponed add forms so a vendor can add sensors that we missed or updated ones we missed.
- postponed forms for schools to submit problems with the data.
- postponed permissions to keep schools from changing vendor info.
Enter all possible handheld models
Version 3
- add forms so a vendor can add sensors that we missed or updated ones we missed.
- forms for schools to submit problems with the data.
- permissions to keep schools from changing vendor info.
- add teemss supported flag to relation between interface and platform